Author Archives: Sergiu

Programming – how every workout is created

Understanding the importance of gymnastics, weightlifting, and cardio is crucial. We’ll delve into intense workout days, ring work, upside-down exercises, snatches, and more. Bart, our head coach at Smart Move CrossFit, has been the programmer since the beginning. Discomfort often accompanies areas of weakness, but embracing these challenges is essential for personal growth. The exercises […]

CrossFit Gear – things I wished I knew earlier

Let’s dive into CrossFit gear, exploring what’s nice to have and what’s essential for training. The good news is, you don’t need any special gear to start CrossFit. All you need is the determination to come to the gym consistently, no matter the weather or your mood. Build discipline and witness your body transform into […]

Supplements – should you use them or not?

Join us in this episode as we delve into the topic of supplements. Discover our insights on their usage, who can benefit from them, and more. We aim to debunk myths and clarify misconceptions surrounding supplements. Remember, to achieve your best results, prioritize quality sleep and nutrition. Only once these fundamentals are in place should […]

Get a hold of your Nutrition – where to start?

Remember this: „You can’t outrun a bad diet. There is no magic pill. No matter how much or how intensely you train, studies show that you can’t compensate for poor dietary choices in the long run. CrossFit’s nutritional approach is clear: eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. […]

Scaling, in other words – Modify

Scaling workouts is a crucial aspect that is often misunderstood. It is a common misconception that scaling is only for beginners or for those who are unable to perform certain movements. However, it is essential to understand that CrossFit workouts, especially those on, are designed to challenge even the most advanced athletes. Scaling, or […]

Workout Stimulus – The goal of today is…

Are you looking to enhance your workout routine and achieve better results? Then it’s important to understand the concept of workout stimulus. By selecting a specific combination of movements, time domain, and load, you can customize the workout to produce similar effects for every athlete, regardless of their physical abilities. This means you can achieve […]