
Mihai Harsan

About Mihai Harsan


My adventure in the beautiful world of CrossFit began in 2020 when I felt the need for a change, because conventional training could no longer keep me motivated. In the same year I also discovered mountain running which, to my amazement, could be combined very harmoniously with CrossFit training.

I believe that this sport can be practiced by anyone, because it has real benefits in maintaining physical and mental health, and most importantly, it helps you develop a fully functional body, thus managing to go through life’s daily challenges much more easily.

Starting from May 2023, I started to be part of the Smart Move family of trainers, where I found very dedicated people whose main objective is to help as many people as possible to discover pleasure in physical activity and to reap all the benefits preceding this activity.

Mihai Harsan

Strive to Be 1% Better Everyday

We empower individuals to achieve their full potential

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