
Laura (Lolly)

About Laura (Lolly)


CF-L1 Trainer

Hi! My name is Lolly and I discovered CrossFit in 2014 when I met these amazing and passionate people doing Crossfit outdoors. Winter or summer, it didn’t matter, we always found a solution to train. What did I do before CrossFit? I did 1 year of cycling and before that, nothing.

The amazing CrossFit journey I’ve had from 2014 to now made me say “Yes, I want to be a CrossFit coach”. So here I am, working out and training at Smart Move Crossfit Cluj-Napoca.

Do I have any regrets? Only I didn’t start the sport earlier! But it’s never too late to start caring about your health and well-being. The glow we feel and have after training is something money can’t buy!

Laura (Lolly)

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