
Alexa Gala

About Alexa Gala


CF-L1 Trainer

Hello, I’m Gala, passionate about crossfit, fascinated by human anatomy, and lover of nature! My first contact with crossfit was in 2021, while I was studying physical therapy, when I discovered how much potential the human body has.

Crossfit for me is a fitness program that rewards the effort made in the gym, with the ability to express the mortal qualities acquired in everyday life, in any activity you could imagine.

I am incredibly delighted to be part of a community full of fine people, who work hard and pursue a single goal, namely to lead a life as healthy and full of vitality as possible.

Regarding the exercises I prefer, I could say that I like most of them, but the ones I have a greater inclination towards are the cardio ones (double unders, run, burpees).

My goal is to make people watch this sport with the same love as I do.

Alexa Gala

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